Friday, October 29, 2010

RAPID staging a fundraiser at the Comedy Nest

RAPID is pleased to announce a fundraiser at the Comedy Nest in Montreal.

The date of the event is Nov. 20 from 8:15 p.m. Tickets are $15, available from members of RAPID (Resources for the Anglophone Population with Intellectual Difficulties) or from REACH School.

According to the Comedy Nest website, the comic onstage on the 20th will be Jay Malone.

Funds raised will be used to help offset the cost of programs and services for the families with special needs in our community in the Montreal south shore area.

The address is 2313 St. Catherine St. West, (corner Atwater, Pepsi Forum) 3rd floor.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Special Needs Day Camp Offered for Ped Days on South Shore

A day camp for all special needs kids is offered at the ARSDI (l’Association de la Rive-Sud pour la Déficience Intellectuelle) during school pedagogical days. This day camp is offered in cooperation with RAPID (Resources for the Anglophone Population with Intellectual Difficulties) and with south shore school boards, although entirely operated by ARSDI.

The day camp is offered at the Maison Bétournay at 80 Rue Bétournay, in St. Lambert. Children need to be registered ahead of time with the ARSDI. The centre is open from 7 a.m. The phone number to contact the ARSDI is 450-672-9020. The cost of the day camp is $25.

The ARSDI also offers a day care program for those special needs kids whose schools do not offer day care or whose days cares have difficulty accepting special needs kids.

The Maison Bétournay normally has a very high staff-to-student ratio of 2 to 1. Also, ARSDI has undertaken to ensure that English-speaking staff will be available when there are English-speaking children to look after.

RAPID is offering a program to rebate a portion of the day camp fees to Rapid member who take advantage of the day camp services.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Rapid Offers a Rebate on 2010 / 2011 Day Camp

RAPID (Resources for the Anglophone Population with Intellectual Disabilities) is offering a rebate for members who use ped day day camp services recognized by RAPID. Presently this includes the service offered by the ARSDI. For further details and contact info, please click here or see the RAPID link above. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Special Olympics makes a splash on Parliament Hill

Parliament Hill hosted about 70 Special Olympics athletes, family members, volunteers, coaches and staff from across the country for a "Day on the Hill", September 28..

The reception lasted a full day and the participants had the chance to meet government ministers, senators and MPs from all parties.

Also on the same day, Canada's Special Olympics team for the 2011 Special Olympics World Summer Games to be held in Athens, Greece, was announced.

The 109 athletes and 42 coaches and staff named were selected based on performances at the 2010 Special Olympics Canada Summer Games, which were held earlier this year in London, Ontario.

22 national sponsors are contributing towards making it possible to send such a large delegation to Athens.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

October is Learning Disabilities Awareness Month

As a part of Learning Disabilities Awareness Month, the Learning Disabilities Association of Canada has launched a national campaign including social media elements such as Youtube, Facebook and Twitter.

The theme of the campaign is “the right to learn, the power to achieve!”

The marketing toolkit provided by LDAC at the link above is presented in such a way as to be useful for their local chapters and, as such, this information could also be valuable for other organizations with similar objectives.

Friday, October 15, 2010

RAPID next meeting Mon. October 18

Just a reminder that the next meeting of RAPID will be Monday, Oct. 18, 7:00 P.M., at the ARSDI building in St. Lambert. All interested parties welcome.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Down Syndrome Research Foundation in Vancouver forced to "pull plug" on brain scanner

The Down Syndrome Research Foundation (DSRF) in Burnaby, B.C., has been forced to "pull the plug" on its brain scanner due to lack of funds.

This is the second year in a row that the scanner has been forced to shut down for six months due to lack of funding. Because federal funding is a major component of several of the potential revenue sources for the scanner lab, as well as other medical and scientific projects, competition for funding has become tight.

Read the full story in Burnaby Now

Among its other initiatives the DSRF also runs a Specialized Learning Center.

Following is the DSRF Vision Statement:

At the Down Syndrome Research Foundation, we firmly believe that if people with intellectual disabilities are provided with specific and relevant educational instruction they can reach their potential. This will allow them to contribute to their community thus requiring less dependence on government resources. Without meaningful instruction and interventions, their potential is untapped and they are destined to engage in empty activities.

Lifelong learning is the concept that “it’s never too soon or too late for learning”, a philosophy that drives research and program development at the Down Syndrome Research Foundation. Yet for people with disabilities, opportunity for ongoing learning stops at a very early age.

At the Down Syndrome Research Foundation we initiate and participate in research that provides insight into the unique learning style of these individuals. The data collected is analyzed and pilot interventions and educational programs are developed and offered. These programs test the understanding of the brain and are evaluated to observe the impact on our students. Even the slightest increase in cognitive ability, the objective that drives our work, can make a significant difference in the level of support an individual with an intellectual disability may require.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Boy with Down syndrome scores touchdown in Washington State high school game

A 17-year-old with Down syndrome scored a touchdown on Friday, Sept. 24, for his Snohomish Wa. high school team. Ike  Ditzberger scored the TD with 10 seconds remaining in the game, which his team was losing 36-0. He scored on a 51-yard run, romping through a momentarily distracted opposing backfield. The milestone came against a Lake Stevens team which, it must be said, offered only a somewhat unconvincing defense against Ditzberger's breakout run.

"He's someone that everybody can kind of enjoy because he has such a great personality and character," Snohomish senior captain Keith Wigney told the Everett Herald in a feature on Ditzenberger.

Initial meeting of SNACS Committee set for Oct 13

The initial meeting of the Riverside School Board SNACS (Advisory Committee on Services for Students with Special Needs) for the coming year will be held at the RSB office on Oct. 13 at 7 p.m. Following is the text of the letter sent by RSB:

 October 4, 2010
Dear Parents and Guardians,

Riverside School Board will hold elections for its Advisory Committee on Services for Students with Special Needs for the 2010-2011 school year. This Advisory Committee is composed of 7 parents and 6 other members selected from the Board’s teachers, support staff, non-teaching professionals and administrators. The Committee provides an opportunity for this representative group to come together on a regular basis to discuss the special education services provided to its students.

Parents chosen for this committee are designated by the Board’s Parents’ Committee and are parents with children who have been identified for special education services. These services may include remedial assistance in schools from a teacher or other staff member, technician support for academic or behavioural difficulties, support of an attendant for integration purposes, or placement in a special education class or program. These students will have an Individualized Educational Plan in place for the 2010-2011 school year.

Seven parents required for the committee will be selected as follows:

• Three parents with children in the elementary sector who have been identified with a
handicap condition, learning or behavioural difficulty
• Three parents with children in the secondary sector who have been identified with a handicap
condition, learning or behavioural difficulty
• One parent of a child attending REACH

Parents who wish to have further information or who would like to stand for election to this committee are invited to attend a general meeting Wednesday, October 13, 2010. Interested candidates may be asked to express the reason for their interests and the contribution they feel they could make to such a committee.

Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Riverside School Board, Board Room, 299 Sir Wilfrid-Laurier, St. Lambert, Quebec
If you are unsure as to whether you qualify to sit on this committee, please contact the administration of your child’s school.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Integration in schools to be addressed in Oct. 25th "Partners in Education" meeting

The Quebec Minister of Education Leisure and Sport recently announced that the first meeting of a series entitled "Partners in Education" will address the topic of inclusion in schools and will be held Oct. 25.

Here is the portion of the press release relating to the integration of special needs kids in regular classrooms: 

QUÉBEC, le 22 sept. 2010 /CNW Telbec/ - La ministre de l'Éducation, du
Loisir et du Sport, Mme Line Beauchamp, a annoncé aujourd'hui la tenue, le 25
octobre prochain, d'une première rencontre sur l'intégration des élèves
handicapés ou en difficulté d'adaptation ou d'apprentissage. «Ensemble, nous
allons faire le point sur la réussite des élèves handicapés ou en difficulté
d'adaptation ou d'apprentissage et leur intégration en classe ordinaire. Nous
allons réaffirmer les principes sur lesquels nos actions s'appuient,
identifier clairement les difficultés reliées à l'intégration de ces élèves,
nous entendre sur les ajustements à apporter et convenir des travaux à
réaliser», a déclaré la ministre.

La rencontre réunira des représentantes et représentants du personnel
enseignant, des directions d'école, de commissions scolaires, de différentes
associations, des parents et des partenaires ministériels. Un cahier du
participant servira à alimenter les discussions.

There is no specific mention of who exactly is to participate in the meeting, whether or not it is public or the time and location.

It would certainly be interesting to get the supporting documents and try to get some indication from the organizers whether presentations are encouraged and what influence the public might expect to have by participating, if possible.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Official Policy Regarding Special Needs Education in Quebec

It would be useful to have more immediate and ready access to, and wider distribution of, the policies concerning special needs in Quebec schools. These policies were adopted about six or seven years ago, as required by the Ministry of Education. Each school board adopted its own policy based on a model provided by MELS, which was then modified in a consultative process with the various stakeholders.

In the future, these policies will be linked here on the sidebar.

This information is being put here as a reference, rather than to provoke questions or concerns. It must be said though, when one see how nearly identical the different school boards' policies are, it is curious how differently special needs education is handled in practice, from one board to another. For example, just the fact that REACH School, in St. Lambert on the south shore is the only public English language special needs school in the Montreal area is quite surprising. The other English special needs schools in the Montreal area are either private or run by charitable organizations. In fairness, most of these differences date back to the randomly differing ways that special needs education was originally handled in different communities.  

This is a link to the policy identified as "Special Education Services" on the Riverside School Board website.

The complete title of the document is: Policy Concerning the Organization of Educational Services
for Students with Handicaps and Students with Social
Maladjustments or Learning Disabilities

On the English Montreal School Board site, there are two similar policies.

This is a link to the Special Needs Policy of the English Montreal School Board. This is only a one-page document.

The complete title of the document is: A Policy Adopting Standards and Procedures for the Organization of Educational Services for Handicapped Students and Students with Social Maladjustments or Learning Disabilities

The other policy on the EMSB site is identified as the Special Education Policy.on the EMSB website and the full title of it is: POLICY GOVERNING THE ORGANIZATION OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES FOR STUDENTS WITH HANDICAPS, SOCIAL MALADJUSTMENTS OR LEARNING DISABILITIES

This latter is the one that resembles the Riverside School Board policy. It would be most interesting to go through and identify any consequential differences between the two policies.

UPDATE: Oct. 7 - A copy of the document has now been circulated - posting it up on this site will be looked into. It is 50 or 60 pages.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Democracy is still a part of education

Following is a page borrowed off of another blog, "Straight Outa Edmonton".

I couldn't figure out a better way of putting the idea across than just cutting the whole thing and pasting it.

The differences between the level of public scrutiny and accountability of our school boards here in Quebec, and what we see in other parts of Canada, are becoming substantial.

I think there is more acceptance of central management here in Quebec. And probably less tradition of local decision making. Unfortunately, in terms of special needs, it is my experience that the central authorities and bureaucrats in education have a tough time keeping up with best practices and applying them effectively throughout the diverse regions of Quebec. Even more problematic is keeping parents abreast of what's happening in the schools.

Here is a sample of what Edmonton voters are perusing this fall:

Social Media Catalogue for Edmonton's Public School Board 2010

Similar to the social media catalogue for candidates running for Edmonton City Council and Edmonton's Catholic School Board, here is a similar post with links for candidates running for Public School Board Trustee. Let me know if I missed any links.

Public School Board Trustee — Ward A
Cheryl Johner (twitter, facebook)
Rory Johannes Koopmans
Kevan Warner (twitter, facebook)

Public School Board Trustee — Ward B
Amanda Beisiegel (facebook)
Perry Chahal (twitter, facebook)
Darryl Lagerquist (facebook, twitter)
George P. Nicholson
Ken Shipka

Public School Board Trustee — Ward C
Mary Gradisar
Tony Henshall (facebook)
Christopher Spencer (twitter, facebook)

Public School Board Trustee — Ward D
Dave Colburn (acclaimed - twitter, facebook)

Public School Board Trustee — Ward E
Neil MacDonald
Heather MacKenzie (twitter, facebook)
Ken Soroka (twitter, facebook)

Public School Board Trustee - Ward F
Michael Janz (twitter, facebook)
Joanna Rozmus (twitter)
Bev Sawyer (twitter, facebook)

Public School Board Trustee - Ward G
Sarah Hoffman (youtube, twitter, facebook)
George Rice (facebook)

Public School Board Trustee - Ward H
Catherine Ripley (acclaimed - twitter, facebook)

Public School Board Trustee - Ward I
Leslie Cleary (twitter, facebook)
Tina Jardine (twitter, facebook)
Balraj Manhas