Friday, July 29, 2011

Interview on the Team 990 About Special Needs Soccer

A couple of weeks ago, Randy Tieman of the Team 990 radio in Montreal, did an interview with Barbara Cheetham, of Lakeshore Soccer, who is one of the coaches involved with the "Super Sonics" special needs soccer program there.

The interview is very informative and, dare we even say,  inspirational. You can listen to the full interview: here.

"There are no liimits as to how far we are willing to go to spread this", says Cheetham.

She adds that the Super Sonics are willing to work with other clubs to help them set up their own special needs soccer programs.

One of the strategies they use that they find works well, is that they have young soccer players aged 14-18 who are willing to get involved as coaches. These youths develop a "magical connection" says Cheetham, with the special needs players.

She also says that they have participants with autism, Down syndrome and other conditions, and it is her experience that most of the children thrive in the environment and have a great time. Often, she says, it is their parents who have low expectations, whereas the kids themselves have a lot of fun.

"We're trying to spread the news around the communities that we are there for children with even the most limited abilities."

"Even if they can't speak, even if they can't, what people would say, function, the magic happens when you put a leather ball filled with air on a field or in a room, and they just find something which inspires them."

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